Pet Trust Planning Attorney in Boca Raton
If you do not plan, your pet may be negatively affected once you cannot care for them anymore. Your family may not want or know how to properly care for your animals. Without detailed instructions to help them, your family may not accept the challenge. A pet trust can help avoid changing your pet’s life or routine.
A pet trust is a type of trust that essentially acts as a manual for caring for your pet. In addition to detailed instructions, you can place money aside for your trustee to pay for your pet’s care. These resources alleviate the financial burden of caring for an animal.

Your pets are family, too. So protect them like family. Contact us to discuss adding a pet trust to your Estate Plan.
How do Pet Trusts work?
A pet owner can create a pet trust and include it in their Estate Plan. A pet trust is a legal agreement between the pet owner and the person they appoint to act as a trustee.
- The trustee of your pet trust has the legal right to enforce the terms. You can name your trustee. The person you choose to serve as trustee should be able to carry out its terms. If you do not name a trustee, the court can appoint someone to serve as the trustee.
- Pet trust funds can only pay for the care of the animal. Any remaining funds after your pet die become a part of the owner’s estate and are used to satisfy estate debts or given to other heirs.
- A pet trust terminates after the death of the last pet named in the document.
If you’ve decided that a pet trust is for you, now’s the time to start thinking about who you want to care for your pet.
Here are some initial steps you can take to get started:
Find someone you trust and that is willing to take on the responsibility.
Name a successor in case something happens to your first choice
Discuss the care your pet needs and what you want for your pet with your designated caregiver.
Write down your plan.
Pet Trust Planning is important.
There is no automatic guarantee your pets will be cared for after you pass away.
Your pets cannot advocate for themselves. They need your help. Pet Trusts allow you to be prepared to give your pets a good quality of life once you can no longer care for them yourself.
An estate attorney with experience with pet Trusts can help you lock down an air-tight plan care plan for your little loved ones.
Creating a pet trust relieves you from wondering whether your pets will have what they need to live a happy and healthy life after you pass.
At the Siegel Law Group, we help families, seniors, and their loved ones establish an plan that suits their unique needs.
Florida’s premier Pet Trust Planning Law Firm
Creating a pet trust will help you gain the peace of mind you deserve, knowing that your pet will be cared for throughout its life.
Contact us to learn how you can protect your furry friends for years to come.
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